You can use the table of contents on the left to navigate. The first two sections are just code and can be skipped.

Utility functions¶

In [1]:
def cast_of_season(sid, include_featured=True):
    """Return subset of actors table corresponding to cast of the given season.
    return cast_of_seasons([sid], include_featured)

def cast_of_seasons(sids, include_featured=True):
    idx = casts['sid'].isin(sids)
    if not include_featured:
        idx &= ~casts['featured']
    cast = casts[idx]
    return actors.loc[cast['aid'].unique()]

Episode ranges¶

In [2]:
def eps_in_range(start, end):
    epidx = (
        (episodes['epid'] >= start)
        & (episodes['epid'] <= end)
    return epidx.sum()

Usage / Airtime metrics¶

In [3]:
usage_metrics = {'episode_share', 'cast_episode_share', 'n_titles'}

"""A value is calculated for each title and each of the above metrics in the following way:
- episode_share: a title's episode share is 1 / the total number of 'eligible' titles in its episode
- cast_episode_share: the above, but further divided by the number of performers in the title
- n_titles: 1

To associate a value for one of the above metrics with a performer and an episode, we sum 
the values for each distinct title they appeared in (we don't double-count if they appeared
in multiple roles in a single sketch). A value of x has the following interpretations depending
on the metric in use:
- episode_share: The actor appeared in 100*x% of eligible sketches in the episode.
- cast_episode_share: The actor 'owned' 100*x% of the audience's attention during the episode.
    If they only appeared in solo sketches, this number would be the same as episode_share. The
    more other performers they share their sketches with, the lower this number becomes.
- n_titles: The actor appeared in x eligible sketches.

To get a value for these metrics over larger time spans, you should take an average over episodes.

'eligible' titles include basically all segments that cast members can normally appear in (including 
monologue and Weekend Update). See performer_title_categories in 1.5 for an enumeration.

def total_airtime(aid, apps_idx, metric):
    """Return the sum of the given airtime metric over some appearances for some actor.
    apps_idx should be a boolean array that indexes into the appearances table.
    assert metric in usage_metrics
    # I suspect the need to dedupe/reindex on tid is what makes this so slow
    _apps = apps[
        (apps['aid']==aid) & apps_idx
    tids = _apps['tid'].unique()
    if metric == 'n_titles':
        tot = len(tids)
        # The other metrics have precomputed values per title, stored in the 
        # titles table.
        _titles = titles[titles['tid'].isin(tids)]
        tot = _titles[metric].sum()
    return tot

def epid_idx_for_castyear(cast, table):
    """Return a boolean array that indexes the given table
    to match only episodes in the given cast-year.
    season = seasons[seasons['sid']==cast.sid].iloc[0]
    if not pd.isnull(cast.first_epid):
        first = cast.first_epid
        first = season.first_epid
    if not pd.isnull(cast.last_epid):
        last = cast.last_epid
        last = season.last_epid
    return ((table['epid'] >= first) & (table['epid'] <= last))

def airtime_one_season(cast, metric):
    """Return avg. airtime (per given metric) over one cast-year 
    (as a row from the casts table)"""
    epidx = epid_idx_for_castyear(cast, apps)
    return total_airtime(cast.aid, epidx, metric) / cast.n_episodes

def season_airtimes(sid):
    df = casts[casts['sid']==sid].copy()
    for metric in usage_metrics:
        airs = []
        for cast in df.itertuples():
            ep_idx = epid_idx_for_castyear(cast, apps)
            at = total_airtime(cast.aid, ep_idx, metric)
        df[metric] = airs
    return df

def overall_actor_airtime(aid, metric='episode_share'):
    res = 0
    for cast in casts[casts['aid']==aid].itertuples():
        epidx = epid_idx_for_castyear(cast, apps)
        res += total_airtime(cast.aid, epidx, metric)
    return res

def overall_avg_airtime(aid, metric='episode_share'):
    num = 0
    denom = 0
    for cast in casts[casts['aid']==aid].itertuples():
        epidx = epid_idx_for_castyear(cast, apps)
        num += total_airtime(cast.aid, epidx, metric)
        denom += cast.n_episodes
    return num / denom


In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from collections import defaultdict

# TODO: If this stuff starts getting slow, might want to set appropriate indices (aid, tid, epid, etc.)
# Also, might help a bit to use categorical column types for some string cols.

# Because we used the JsonLinesItemExporter, our files don't actually contain
# well-formed json (they're missing enclosing square brackets and commas between
# items)
def load_json(path):
    with open(path) as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        json_str = '[{}]'.format(','.join(lines))
        return pd.read_json(json_str, orient='records')

json_dir = 'output'

table_names = ['actors', 'appearances', 'characters', 'episodes', 'hosts', 'impressions',
               'seasons', 'sketches', 'titles', 'casts',

tables = {}
for name in table_names:
    path = os.path.join(json_dir, name+'.json')
    df = load_json(path)
    tables[name] = df
for name, table in tables.items():
    print "Loaded {:,} {}".format(len(table), name)
Loaded 288 sketches
Loaded 12,465 titles
Loaded 545 casts
Loaded 46,417 appearances
Loaded 830 episodes
Loaded 42 seasons
Loaded 849 hosts
Loaded 1,011 characters
Loaded 3,737 impressions
Loaded 2,198 actors
In [ ]:

Basic merges¶

In [5]:
# Whoops, forgot to do stupid namespace thing for casts
casts = tables['casts']
casts['aid'] = casts['aid'].apply(lambda aid: 'c_'+aid)

# Do some useful pre-emptive merge things
# Add actor_name to some tables that use aid
aid_tables = ['impressions', 'characters', 'appearances', 'hosts', 'casts']
for tablename in aid_tables:
    table = tables[tablename]
    mg = table.merge(tables['actors'], on='aid', suffixes=('_x', '_a'))\
        .rename(columns=dict(name_a='actor_name', name_x='name', name='actor_name'))\
        .drop('type', axis=1)
    tables[tablename] = mg
    assert len(mg)
# One extra (weird) row for season 5 we need to remove. Doesn't seem to be real ep.
episodes = tables['episodes']
episodes = episodes[pd.notnull(episodes['epno'])]
episodes['epid'] = episodes['epid'].astype(int)
tables['episodes'] = episodes
# Add epid, sid to appearances
apps = tables['appearances']
mg = apps.merge(tables['titles'], on='tid')\
    .drop(['category', 'order', 'skid', 'name'], axis=1)
mg = mg.merge(tables['episodes'], on='epid')\
    .drop(['aired', 'epno'], axis=1)
tables['appearances'] = mg

# Add sid to titles
titles = tables['titles']
mg = titles.merge(tables['episodes'], on='epid')\
    .drop(['aired', 'epno'], axis=1)
tables['titles'] = mg
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:


In [6]:
_table_names = ['actors', 'appearances', 'characters', 'episodes', 'hosts', 'impressions',
               'seasons', 'sketches', 'titles', 'casts',
table_to_index = dict(episodes='epid', impressions='impid', seasons='sid', titles='tid', actors='aid')
for (tablename, idx_col) in table_to_index.items():
    tables[tablename].set_index(idx_col, drop=False, inplace=True)

Fix aids¶

In [7]:
def fix_aids():
    """There are a small number of instances where the same actor is represented by more than one
    aid, where one of them has irregular capitalization. Fix those instances.
    bad_aids = {'c_Jifa', 'c_Biha', 'c_Taki', 'c_Phha', 'c_keTh', 'c_Keth', 'c_ChCH', 'c_PhHA', 'c_KeTH',
               'c_TaKI', 'c_BiHA', 'c_JiFA', 'c_ChCH', 'c_TaKI'
    actors = tables['actors']
    actors = actors[~actors['aid'].isin(bad_aids)]
    tables['actors'] = actors
    fixed = {}
    for bad in bad_aids:
        good = bad[:2] + bad[2].upper() + bad[3].lower() + bad[4].upper() + bad[5].upper()
        fixed[bad] = good
    fixfn = lambda aid: fixed.get(aid, aid)
    for tname, table in tables.items():
        if tname == 'actors':
        if 'aid' in table.columns:
            table['aid'] = table['aid'].map(fixfn)     

Global table vars, aliases¶

In [8]:
for name, table in tables.items():
    # I know, I know
    globals()[name] = table
# shortcut alias
apps = appearances
imps = impressions

Airtime stuff¶

In [9]:
def enrich_seasons():
    """Add some derived columns to the seasons table."""
    first_eps = []
    last_eps = []
    n_eps = []
    for season in seasons.itertuples():
        epids = episodes[episodes['sid']==season.sid]['epid']
    seasons['first_epid'] = first_eps
    seasons['last_epid'] = last_eps
    seasons['n_episodes'] = n_eps

def enrich_casts():
    """Add a column for each cast-year entry with the number of episodes the cast member
    was eligible to appear in in that season. (Normally this will be fixed per season across
    all cast members. The exception is cast members who start late in the season or end their
    run mid-season.)
    n_eps = []
    fracs = []
    for cast in casts.itertuples():
        first = cast.first_epid
        if pd.isnull(first):
            first = seasons.loc[cast.sid, 'first_epid']
        last = cast.last_epid
        if pd.isnull(last):
            last = seasons.loc[cast.sid, 'last_epid']
        count = eps_in_range(first, last)
        frac = count / seasons.loc[cast.sid, 'n_episodes']
    casts['n_episodes'] = n_eps
    casts['season_fraction'] = fracs

In [10]:
sid year first_epid last_epid n_episodes
1 1 1975 19751011 19760731 24
2 2 1976 19760918 19770521 22
In [11]:
# NB: slowish

weekend_update_categories = {'Weekend Update', 'Saturday Night News', 'SNL Newsbreak'}
live_sketch_categories = {'Sketch', 'Musical Sketch', 'Show', 'Game Show', 'Award Show'}
recorded_sketch_categories = {'Film', 'Commercial'}
# (See note in re Miscellaneous category)
misc_performer_categories = {'Cold Opening', 'Monologue', 'Miscellaneous'}

# These are the categories of titles that count when computing airtime statistics. 
# Main omissions are Goodnights and Musical Performance. Also some rarer categories
# like Guest Performance, In Memoriam, Talent Entrance, etc.
performer_title_categories = set.union(
    misc_performer_categories, weekend_update_categories, live_sketch_categories, recorded_sketch_categories
def add_airtime_columns(force=False):
    """Add some derived columns to titles/episodes that are useful when calculating relative 'airtime'
    of cast members and guests.
    if 'episode_share' in titles.columns and not force:
    # If there are n eligible titles in an episode, each has an episode_share of 1/n
    titles['episode_share'] = 0.0
    titles['n_performers'] = 0
    # The same as above, but each title is further normalized by number of performers present.
    titles['cast_episode_share'] = 0.0
    for episode in episodes.itertuples():
        # XXX: Need to rescrape these eps (skipped because they have no host)
        if episode.epid in (19810411, 19841006, 19811003):
        ep_titles_ix = ((titles['epid']==episode.epid)
            & (titles['category'].isin(performer_title_categories)))
        n_titles = ep_titles_ix.sum()
        if n_titles == 0:
            print 'Warning: Found 0 titles for epid {}. Skipping.'.format(episode.epid)
        titles.loc[ep_titles_ix, 'episode_share'] = 1/n_titles
        perfs = []
        for title in titles[ep_titles_ix].itertuples():
            performer_aids = apps[apps['tid']==title.tid]['aid'].unique()
        titles.loc[ep_titles_ix, 'n_performers'] = perfs
        titles.loc[ep_titles_ix, 'cast_episode_share'] = (
            titles.loc[ep_titles_ix, 'episode_share'] 
            titles.loc[ep_titles_ix, 'n_performers']
Warning: Found 0 titles for epid 19800315. Skipping.


In [12]:
def eps_present_in_casts(cs):
    eps = 0
    for cast in cs.itertuples():
        season = seasons.loc[cast.sid]
        if not pd.isnull(cast.first_epid):
            first = cast.first_epid
            first = season.first_epid
        if not pd.isnull(cast.last_epid):
            last = cast.last_epid
            last = season.last_epid
        present_epids = apps.loc[
            (apps['aid']==cast.aid) & 
            (apps['epid'] >= first) & (apps['epid'] <= last),
        eps += len(present_epids)
    return eps

def build_tenure():
    # n_eps: how many episodes of SNL were there between this person's start and finish?
    # eps_present: how many episodes of SNL did this person appear in as a cast member?
    # (may be less than n_eps for weeks where they weren't in the show)
    # Haha, so I guess some performers actually have non-contiguous runs on the show (e.g. Al
    # Franken, so some previous assumptions won't work.)
    cols = ['aid', 'actor_name', 'n_episodes', 'eps_present', 'n_seasons']
    rows = []
    cast = actors[actors['type']=='cast']
    for actor in cast.itertuples():
        aid, name = actor.aid,
        cast_years = casts[casts['aid'] == aid].sort_values(by='sid')
        if len(cast_years) == 0:
            print "Warning: {} ({}) was in actors table with type='cast', but they aren't in casts table"\
                .format(name, aid)
        n_seasons = len(cast_years)
        n_episodes = cast_years['n_episodes'].sum()
        eps_present = eps_present_in_casts(cast_years)

        row = [aid, name, n_episodes, eps_present, n_seasons]
    return pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols)

tenure = build_tenure()
aid actor_name n_episodes eps_present n_seasons
0 c_JoLo Jon Lovitz 91 91 5
1 c_PhHa Phil Hartman 153 153 8
2 c_ViJa Victoria Jackson 113 113 6

Inferring actor gender¶

In [34]:
import gender_guesser.detector as gender
detector = gender.Detector()

def names_from_file(fname):
    with open(fname) as f:
        return set([name.strip().decode('utf-8') for name in f])

# First names not recognized by gender_guesser
extra_malenames = {
    'Beck', 'Mikey', 'Chevy', 'Norm',
    'Nile', 'Lin-Manuel', 'Macaulay', 'Kiefer', 'Spike', 'Kanye', 'Rainn', 'Shia',
    'Sting', 'Hulk', 'Liberace', 'Yogi', 'Merv', 'Mr.', 'O.J.', 
extra_femalenames = {
    'Aidy', 'Sasheer', 'Janeane', 'Danitra',
    'Lorde', 'Taraji', 'Uzo', 'Brie', 'Rihanna', 'January',
    'Anjelica', 'Oprah', 'Ann-Margret',

# Names misgendered by gender_guesser (or labelled as androgynous/unknown)
female_fullnames = {
    'Blake Lively', 'Terry Turner', 'Dakota Johnson', 'Cameron Diaz', 'Taylor Swift',
    'Robin Wright', 'Sydney Biddle Barrows', 'Whitney Houston', 'Morgan Fairchild',
    'Reese Witherspoon',
    'Casey Wilson', 'Nasim Pedrad', 'Noël Wells'.decode('utf-8'), 'Jan Hooks', 'Robin Duke',
male_fullnames = {
    'Kyle Gass', 'The Rock', 'Jamie Foxx', 'Kelsey Grammer', 'Leslie Nielsen',
    'Kyle MacLachlan', 'Desi Arnaz Jr.', 'Desi Arnaz', 'Kyle Mooney', 'The Weeknd',
    'Bernie Sanders', 'Sacha Baron Cohen', 'A. Whitney Brown', 'Finesse Mitchell',
    'Dana Carvey', 'Tracy Morgan',
# A few interesting cases: Dame Edna, RuPaul, Marilyn Manson, T.J. Jourian (transman). 
# I labelled as ffmm, respectively.

def genderize(name, confident=True):
    if name in female_fullnames:
        return 'female'
    if name in male_fullnames:
        return 'male'
    first = name.split()[0]
    if first in extra_malenames:
        return 'male'
    if first in extra_femalenames:
        return 'female'
    guess = detector.get_gender(first)
    if confident and guess == 'mostly_male':
        return 'male'
    if confident and guess == 'mostly_female':
        return 'female'
    return guess

actors['gender'] = actors['name'].apply(genderize)
male       1451
female      581
unknown     144
andy         15
Name: gender, dtype: int64

Top recurring characters¶

In [13]:
charapps = appearances[pd.notnull(appearances['charid'])]
char_counts = charapps.groupby('charid').size().to_frame(name='count').reset_index(level=0)
char_counts = pd.merge(char_counts, characters, on='charid')
char_counts.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False, inplace=True)
charid count aid name actor_name
70 71 30 c_DoNo Father Guido Sarducci Don Novello
712 713 26 c_WiFo MacGruber Will Forte
5 6 25 c_GiRa Emily Litella Gilda Radner
216 217 23 c_DaCa Church Lady Dana Carvey
251 252 21 c_KeNe Franz Kevin Nealon
270 271 21 c_MiMy Wayne Campbell Mike Myers
315 316 20 c_AlFr Stuart Smalley Al Franken
252 253 20 c_DaCa Hans Dana Carvey
448 449 20 c_AnGa Bobbi Mohan-Culp Ana Gasteyer
449 450 20 c_WiFe Marty Culp Will Ferrell
268 269 19 c_DaCa Garth Algar Dana Carvey
194 195 19 c_NoDu Pat Stevens Nora Dunn
195 196 19 c_JoLo Tommy Flanagan Jon Lovitz
397 398 19 c_MoSh Mary Katherine Gallagher Molly Shannon
759 760 19 c_BiHa Stefon Bill Hader
254 255 18 c_PhHa Frankenstein Phil Hartman
733 734 17 c_KrWi Vicki Kristen Wiig
399 400 17 c_WiFe Craig Buchanan Will Ferrell
398 399 17 c_ChOt Arianna Cheri Oteri
255 256 16 c_KeNe Tarzan Kevin Nealon

Wow, Sarducci. Really fascinating thing is apparently Don Novello hosted one ep and co-hosted another in character as Guido Sarducci, and his appearances in those episodes aren't even counted here. Man, the Ebersol years were weird.

A lot of these characters are from the 90's - consistent with observation from writer in LFNY about this being the era that relied most on recurring characters, and drove them into the ground.

Visualization concept: x axis is time (or just season). For each popular character, do a sort of KDE of their appearances over time. See which characters were flash-in-the-pan and which had more of a slow burn. Perhaps even more interesting: see which seasons used the most highly recurring characters. For characters that appear as part of the same recurring sketch (e.g. Hans+Franz, Wayne+Garth, MacGruber+Vicki), consider them as a gestalt and just count whichever one appeared most often (probably the other character appeared in a subset of their sketches).


Top impressions (impersonator + impersonatee)¶

In [14]:
charapps = appearances[pd.notnull(appearances['impid'])]
char_counts = charapps.groupby('impid').size().to_frame(name='count').reset_index(level=0)
char_counts = pd.merge(char_counts, impressions, on='impid')
char_counts.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False, inplace=True)
impid count aid name actor_name
1259 1291 87 c_DaHa Bill Clinton Darrell Hammond
645 651 38 c_DaCa George Bush Dana Carvey
2604 2641 33 c_FrAr Barack Obama Fred Armisen
1692 1724 31 c_WiFe George W. Bush Will Ferrell
45 46 27 c_DaAy Jimmy Carter Dan Aykroyd
1688 1720 27 c_DaHa Donald Trump Darrell Hammond
1839 1871 25 c_DaHa Dick Cheney Darrell Hammond
1246 1278 24 c_NoMa Bob Dole Norm MacDonald
3178 3226 24 c_JaPh Barack Obama Jay Pharoah
3302 3351 23 c_KaMc Hillary Clinton Kate McKinnon
1277 1309 23 c_ChOt Barbara Walters Cheri Oteri
2214 2251 22 c_WiFo George W. Bush Will Forte
1819 1851 21 c_DaHa Chris Matthews Darrell Hammond
2600 2637 21 c_JaSu Joseph Biden Jason Sudeikis
1691 1723 20 c_DaHa Al Gore Darrell Hammond
3636 3690 20 g_3230 Donald Trump Alec Baldwin
1597 1629 19 c_ChPa Tom Brokaw Chris Parnell
3046 3093 19 c_JaSu Mitt Romney Jason Sudeikis
935 961 18 c_PhHa Bill Clinton Phil Hartman
2172 2209 18 c_AmPo Hillary Clinton Amy Poehler

Darrell Hammond's clinton wins by a huge margin. I think this is a combination of factors:

  • Presidents get a lot of air time (more on that below)
  • The Lewinsky scandal was a huge phenomenon that gave them a lot of material.
  • Darrell Hammond was on the show for a long time (second only to Kenan Thompson), so he owned that impression for most of the presidency and beyond (unlike GWB and Barack Obama where the baton was passed to another performer mid-presidency).

Most frequently impersonated¶

In [15]:
# Most impersonated people (lumping together different impersonators)
charapps = appearances[pd.notnull(appearances['impid'])]
char_counts = charapps.groupby('role').size().to_frame(name='count').reset_index(level=0)
char_counts.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False, inplace=True)
role count
204 Bill Clinton 109
943 Hillary Clinton 72
851 George W. Bush 70
150 Barack Obama 57
624 Donald Trump 56
2158 Ronald Reagan 41
829 George Bush 41
1158 Jimmy Carter 37
158 Barbara Walters 31
234 Bob Dole 29
26 Al Gore 27
593 Dick Cheney 26
2383 Ted Koppel 25
31 Al Sharpton 24
399 Chris Matthews 22
2440 Tom Brokaw 22
1280 Joseph Biden 22
1450 Larry King 21
1724 Michael Jackson 21
779 Frank Sinatra 20


  • The top 10 (11) are all presidents or presidential candidates (top non-presidential impersonatee: Babwa)
  • Suggests that political impersonations have gone up over time? The top 5 impersonations are all from '93 onward (approximately the second half of the show's lifetime)
  • Interesting that Trump is already just one short of Obama after just 5 months into his presidency (the last season ended in May). Shows just how much material they had on him last season. (But interesting also to see how many of those impersonations came from before his presidential run).

People with the most impersonators¶

In [16]:
Matthew McConaughey    10
Hillary Clinton         9
Martha Stewart          8
Ronald Reagan           7
Madonna                 7
Saddam Hussein          7
Liza Minnelli           7
Marlon Brando           7
Michael Jackson         7
Britney Spears          7
Christina Aguilera      7
Joan Rivers             6
Rod Serling             6
Wolf Blitzer            6
Woody Allen             6
Michael Gelman          6
Prince Charles          6
Adolf Hitler            6
Diana Ross              6
Marilyn Monroe          6
dtype: int64

For the most part, should expect these to be people who have had long-lasting cultural relevance (therefore many successive casts have had chances to do their own impersonations). Hillary Clinton and Madonna are good examples of this. Other factors:

  • People who are easy to impersonate. Maybe they have strong 'handles' that make them easy to impersonate, or maybe you can get pretty far just by recreating aspects of their look. (Particularly a factor for impersonations done by hosts, who might have no background in comedy/impersonations, or even acting.)
  • Figures whose peak of popularity came during a 'transitional' time when SNL was doing lots of cast changes.

I happen to know that Matthew McConaughey's high count is mostly because of a single sketch with a gag involving 6 Matthew McConaugheys (a throwaway gag about the surfeit of white male cast members). I think the others are legit.

Cast strengths¶

Most impressions/characters¶

In [17]:
df = impressions.groupby('actor_name').size().sort_values(ascending=False)
Kenan Thompson     124
Darrell Hammond    107
Fred Armisen        98
Taran Killam        95
Bill Hader          81
Jason Sudeikis      78
Phil Hartman        76
Jimmy Fallon        73
Bobby Moynihan      68
Chris Kattan        67
dtype: int64
In [18]:
df = characters.groupby('actor_name').size().sort_values(ascending=False)
Kenan Thompson    39
Fred Armisen      35
Kristen Wiig      30
Will Ferrell      27
Bobby Moynihan    26
Bill Hader        23
Horatio Sanz      22
Phil Hartman      21
Dan Aykroyd       20
Will Forte        19
dtype: int64

Most voice work¶

TODO: Need to rerun full scrape since fixing voice role bug.

In [19]:
app_counts = appearances.groupby('actor_name').size().to_frame(name='roles')
voice_counts = apps[apps['voice']].groupby('actor_name').size().to_frame(name='voice_roles')
voice_counts.sort_values(by='voice_roles', ascending=False).head(10)
# TODO: buuuug
In [20]:
from collections import defaultdict
def get_app_counts(cond):
    app_counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    #cond = appearances['sid'] == sid
    for app in appearances[cond].itertuples():
        if pd.notnull(app.charid):
            k = 'character'
        elif pd.notnull(app.impid):
            k = 'impression'
            k = 'other'
        app_counts[app.actor_name][k] += 1
    return app_counts

def app_bars(cond=None, normalize=False):
    """Where cond is some boolean array masking appearances"""
    counts = get_app_counts(cond)
    # Sort actors by total appearances
    items = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda tup: sum(tup[1].values()), reverse=1)
    items = items[:13]
    if normalize:
        def normfn(tup):
            actor, appcounts = tup
            appsum = sum(appcounts.values())
            normed = {k: v/appsum for k, v in appcounts.items()}
            return (actor, normed)
        items = map(normfn, items)
    # Start with most appearances at the top
    actors = [it[0] for it in items]
    FS = (10, 6)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    acc = np.zeros(len(actors))
    x = range(len(actors))
    horizontal = True
    for k in ['impression', 'character', 'other']:
        y = [it[1][k] for it in items]
        fn = ax.barh if horizontal else
        if horizontal:
            kwargs = dict(left=acc, label=k)
            kwargs = dict(bottom=acc, label=k)
        fn(x, y, **kwargs)
        acc += y
    if not horizontal:
        for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
    return ax

Ratio of impressions : characters : other¶

In [21]:
ax = app_bars(
    & (apps['capacity']=='cast')
    , 0
ax.set_title('Dist. of performance types (last 4 seasons)');

This is kind of cool. Some observations:

  • Featured players and less-used cast members generally do fewer impressions. Maybe because they get a disproportionate number of background/supporting roles.
  • Jay Pharaoh is an interesting exception, being one of the least used cast members during recent seasons, but having a higher proportion of impression appearances than any other cast members. Two explanations: 1) He's really good at impressions, and 2) He was tapped to play Obama in season 38, a role that probably accounts for a pretty large % of his appearances. OTOH, he has very few character appearances.
  • Conversely, Aidy/Vanessa do a lot of characters but few impressions.
  • Kate McKinnon does a lot of both. (But again, I wonder how much of the blue bar is Hillary Clinton. Would be interesting to see.)
In [22]:
# (Tina Fey's tenure - '00 - '05)
ax = app_bars(
    & (apps['sid']<=31)
    & (apps['capacity']=='cast')
    , normalize=False,
ax.set_title("Dist. of performance types ('00-'05)");

For her most recent hosting gig, Tina Fey actually did a monologue about how she had no memorable recurring characters.

This really makes it clear how focused Darrell Hammond was on impressions.

In [23]:
rec_cats = {'Film', 'Commercial', 'Cartoon'}

from collections import defaultdict
def rec_get_app_counts(cond):
    app_counts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    df = appearances[cond].merge(titles, on='tid')
    for app in df.itertuples():
        if app.category in rec_cats:
            k  = 'recorded'
            k = 'live'
        app_counts[app.actor_name][k] += 1
    return app_counts

def rec_app_bars(cond=None, normalize=False):
    """Where cond is some boolean array masking appearances"""
    counts = rec_get_app_counts(cond)
    # Sort actors by total appearances
    items = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda tup: sum(tup[1].values()), reverse=1)
    items = items[:13]
    if normalize:
        def normfn(tup):
            actor, appcounts = tup
            appsum = sum(appcounts.values())
            normed = {k: v/appsum for k, v in appcounts.items()}
            return (actor, normed)
        items = map(normfn, items)
    # Start with most appearances at the top
    actors = [it[0] for it in items]
    FS = (8, 6)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    acc = np.zeros(len(actors))
    x = range(len(actors))
    horizontal = True
    for k in ['recorded', 'live']:
        y = [it[1][k] for it in items]
        fn = ax.barh if horizontal else
        if horizontal:
            kwargs = dict(left=acc, label=k)
            kwargs = dict(bottom=acc, label=k)
        fn(x, y, **kwargs)
        acc += y
    if not horizontal:
        for tick in ax.get_xticklabels():
    return ax

Recorded vs. live appearances¶

In [24]:
ax = rec_app_bars(
    & (apps['capacity']=='cast')
    , True
ax.set_title('Last 4 seasons');
In [25]:
ax = rec_app_bars(
    & (apps['sid']<=37)
    & (apps['capacity']=='cast')
    , normalize=1,
ax.set_title('Mid-to-late 2000\'s');

Samberg definitely appears in a disproportionately high # of recorded segments, but it's not as dramatic a difference as I expected.

In [26]:
from adjustText import adjust_text
# TODO: There's probably a more effective way to visualize this. Maybe do a stacked bar
# for each performer, and arbitrarily assign a color to each distinct impression (with
# its height being the # of times it was performed)

# TODO: maybe helpful to color dots by featured vs. repertory

def scatter_impressions(sids, ax=None, transpose=True, characters=False):
    if isinstance(sids, int):
        sids = [sids]
    if ax is None:
        FS = (13, 6)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    ppl = cast_of_seasons(sids)
    xy = []
    sought_col = 'charid' if characters else 'impid'
    for actor in ppl.itertuples():
        idx = (apps['aid']==actor.aid) & apps['sid'].isin(sids) & pd.notnull(apps[sought_col])
        imp_apps = apps[idx]
        distinct = len(imp_apps[sought_col].unique())
        row = [distinct, len(imp_apps)]
    xy = np.array(xy)
    ax.scatter(xy[:,0+transpose], xy[:,1-transpose])
    texts = []
    for (coords, actor) in zip(xy, ppl.itertuples()):
        #ax.annotate(, coords)
        txt = ax.text(coords[0+transpose], coords[1-transpose],
    adjust_text(texts, arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle='->', lw=.5))
    thing = 'character' if characters else 'impression'
    ax_labels = ['# distinct {}s'.format(thing), '{} appearances'.format(thing.capitalize())]
    # x = y baseline
    minmax = min(xy[:,0].max(), xy[:,1].max())
    ax.plot([0, minmax], [0, minmax], linestyle='--', lw=.5, color='b')
    #ax.plot([0, minmax*2], [0, minmax], linestyle='--', lw=.5, color='b')
    #ax.plot([0, minmax*3], [0, minmax], linestyle='--', lw=.5, color='b')
    return ax

Impression appearances vs. distinct impressions¶

In [27]:

Beck Bennett is kind of a surprising. He did Putin 7 times in s42, Mike Pence 6 times, and Jake Tapper 5 times. Really shows how much political stuff they put on air last year. Cecily Strong's biggest recurring impression last year was Melania Trump, but she mostly did lots of one-offs as various debate moderators and news personalities.

It's pretty remarkable how far ahead of the pack Kate McKinnon is. She had a couple of huge political impressions last season (Hillary and Kellyanne Conway), but even though she was doing those every week, she still had a greater variety of impersonations than anyone else.

In [28]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 10))
scatter_impressions(range(35, 43), ax);
In [29]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 10))
scatter_impressions(range(26, 32), ax);

Character appearances vs. distinct chars¶

In [30]:
scatter_impressions(42, characters=True);
In [31]:
scatter_impressions(range(38, 43), characters=True);

Cast member appearance rates¶

In [35]:
M_COLOR = 'dodgerblue'
F_COLOR = 'magenta'
def scatter_sketches_and_episodes():
    df = tenure.copy()
    df['gender'] = actors.loc[df['aid'], 'gender'].values
    df['n_titles'] = df['aid'].apply(lambda aid: overall_actor_airtime(aid, 'n_titles'))
    FS = (15, 8)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    xcol = 'n_titles'
    ycol= 'n_episodes'
    x = df[xcol]
    y = df[ycol]
    igirl = df['gender'] == 'female'
    ax.scatter(x[igirl], y[igirl], alpha=.4, color=F_COLOR)
    ax.scatter(x[~igirl], y[~igirl], alpha=.6, color=M_COLOR)
    ax.set_xlabel('# sketches')
    ax.set_ylabel('# episodes')
    label_min_x = 700
    label_min_y = 175
    for xx, yy, name in df[[xcol, ycol, 'actor_name']].itertuples(index=False):
        if xx >= label_min_x or yy >= label_min_y:
            ax.annotate(name, xy=(xx+10,yy-2.5))
    return ax

Most sketches and episodes¶

In [36]:
ax = scatter_sketches_and_episodes();

Most sketches per episode¶

In [37]:
df = tenure.copy()
df['avg_sketches_per_ep'] = df['aid'].apply(lambda aid: overall_avg_airtime(aid, 'n_titles'))
df['avg_episode_share'] = df['aid'].apply(overall_avg_airtime)
df['avg_cast_episode_share'] = df['aid'].apply(lambda aid: overall_avg_airtime(aid, 'cast_episode_share'))
In [38]:
df.sort_values(by='avg_episode_share', ascending=False).head(15)
aid actor_name n_episodes eps_present n_seasons avg_sketches_per_ep avg_episode_share avg_cast_episode_share
1 c_PhHa Phil Hartman 153 153 8 5 0.519618 0.126509
43 c_BiMu Bill Murray 72 71 4 5 0.479165 0.096002
96 c_MiMc Michael McKean 26 26 2 4 0.444854 0.092499
40 c_KrWi Kristen Wiig 135 135 7 5 0.439659 0.088216
61 c_WiFe Will Ferrell 139 136 7 5 0.435013 0.102156
62 c_AmPo Amy Poehler 142 139 8 5 0.429572 0.084113
103 c_JaGa Janeane Garofalo 14 14 1 4 0.428391 0.081043
52 c_TaKi Taran Killam 128 127 6 4 0.423825 0.068577
22 c_CeSt Cecily Strong 105 105 5 4 0.418496 0.069650
58 c_BiHa Bill Hader 160 159 8 4 0.411912 0.074812
18 c_BeBe Beck Bennett 84 84 4 4 0.400150 0.064560
109 c_RaQu Randy Quaid 18 18 1 4 0.398914 0.091947
77 c_DaAy Dan Aykroyd 86 86 4 4 0.398860 0.093022
119 c_JoPi Joe Piscopo 72 70 4 5 0.397637 0.131512
0 c_JoLo Jon Lovitz 91 91 5 4 0.390900 0.087168

In many cases, these are the MVP players of their time.

Some are just highly competent workhorses who were written into a lot of sketches but never really achieved star status during their time on the show or did any hugely popular recurring characters or impressions:

  • Cecily Strong
  • Taran Killam
  • Beck Bennett (He seems to get a lot of supporting/straight man roles. Notably he has the lowest cast_episode_share on the list)
  • Jon Lovitz
  • Phil Hartman? (Adam Sandler called him 'the glue' that held the show together)

Not sure about the story with Michael McKean. He played Bill Clinton after Phil Hartman left, so I guess that helped. Also not sure about Randy Quaid.

Janeane Garofalo is the most surprising example. She hated her time on the show, and I got the impression she didn't get along well with many of the writers or other cast members. So how was she in so many sketches? When she was on, there were only 2 other female cast members, Ellen Cleghorne and Laura Kightlinger. Laura was a featured player and not used in many sketches, so I guess Janeane was the default choice when they needed a white lady in a sketch or for an impression? Still surprising.

Fewest sketches per episode¶

In [39]:
df.sort_values(by='avg_episode_share', ascending=True).head(15)
aid actor_name n_episodes eps_present n_seasons avg_sketches_per_ep avg_episode_share avg_cast_episode_share
133 c_EmPr Emily Prager 1 0 1 0 0.000000 0.000000
110 c_LaMe Laurie Metcalf 1 0 1 0 0.000000 0.000000
145 c_GeCo George Coe 24 8 1 0 0.032136 0.008668
115 c_DaVi Dan Vitale 18 4 1 0 0.035399 0.006103
49 c_ToSc Tom Schiller 5 1 1 0 0.044444 0.003069
15 c_RoSm Robert Smigel 40 22 2 0 0.054563 0.008938
104 c_DoNo Don Novello 38 18 2 0 0.061025 0.020717
45 c_AlFr Al Franken 200 101 11 0 0.061207 0.013368
108 c_AWBr A. Whitney Brown 101 56 6 0 0.067800 0.017463
134 c_MiOD Michael O'Donoghue 24 14 1 1 0.075814 0.017624
47 c_FrWo Fred Wolf 23 13 2 0 0.077411 0.015160
123 c_YvHu Yvonne Hudson 9 7 1 1 0.085315 0.018114
141 c_PaWe Patrick Weathers 10 8 1 1 0.090076 0.018541
127 c_AlZw Alan Zweibel 5 3 1 0 0.091667 0.008066
46 c_JiDo Jim Downey 12 6 1 0 0.093056 0.018880

Cast members with the fewest appearances per episode. Mostly players who just didn't manage to make much of an impact or get in a lot of sketches during their (short) time on the show.

Some were much more active with the show's writing, e.g. Robert Smigel, Al Franken, A. Whitney Brown, Fred Wolf, Jim Downey. The latter 2 were head writers for a while.

(#TODO: I think Emily Prager was legit not even in the single episode she was credited for. Laurie was in one, but that was one of the episodes that failed to scrape. George Coe has a higher n_episodes than he should - same with Michael O'Donoghue. snlarchive just has incomplete cast metadata for s1:

Most missed shows¶

In [42]:
df = tenure.copy()
df['missed'] = df['n_episodes'] - df['eps_present']
df.sort_values(by='missed', ascending=False).head(20)
aid actor_name n_episodes eps_present n_seasons missed
45 c_AlFr Al Franken 200 101 11 99
108 c_AWBr A. Whitney Brown 101 56 6 45
104 c_DoNo Don Novello 38 18 2 20
15 c_RoSm Robert Smigel 40 22 2 18
145 c_GeCo George Coe 24 8 1 16
115 c_DaVi Dan Vitale 18 4 1 14
51 c_MaRu Maya Rudolph 146 132 9 14
13 c_DaSp David Spade 116 104 6 12
47 c_FrWo Fred Wolf 23 13 2 10
134 c_MiOD Michael O'Donoghue 24 14 1 10
89 c_CoQu Colin Quinn 99 90 5 9
75 c_HrSa Horatio Sanz 158 151 8 7
90 c_JiBe Jim Belushi 36 29 2 7
16 c_MiMy Mike Myers 122 115 7 7
37 c_TrMo Tracy Morgan 139 132 7 7
10 c_RoSc Rob Schneider 77 70 4 7
7 c_TiMe Tim Meadows 188 181 10 7
46 c_JiDo Jim Downey 12 6 1 6
44 c_ToDa Tom Davis 56 50 3 6
78 c_PaSh Paul Shaffer 16 10 1 6

I'm guessing Maya Rudolph missed a bunch of episodes during and after her pregnancy.

I think I read somewhere that Mike Myers was allowed to miss some shows when he was shooting films. Maybe similar situation for David Spade?

I think most of the rest are just examples of performers not having any of their sketches make it to air, rather than them not being able to perform due to some extenuating circumstances.

Again, several were doing more writing than performing (Al Franken, Fred Wolf, Jim Downey).

Apparently A. Whitney Brown was a featured player in all 6 of his seasons. I wonder if that's a record. Hm, no, I guess not. Al Franken was a FP on all 11 of his seasons.

A typical episode¶

In [43]:
# Categories for live sketches
sketch_cats = ['Sketch', 'Musical Sketch', 'Show', 'Game Show', 'Award Show']

rec_cats = ['Film', 'Commercial', 'Cartoon']

other_cats = ['Guest Performance', 'Miscellaneous', 'In Memoriam', 'Talent Entrance', 'Intro',
              'Encore Presentation',
collapse_other = 1 # Give all 'other' categories the same color
cat_to_color = {}
for i, skc in enumerate(sketch_cats):
    g = 120 + i * ((254-120)/(len(sketch_cats)-1))
    cat_to_color[skc] = (254, g, 86)
for i, skc in enumerate(rec_cats):
    b = 13 + i * ((254-13)/(len(rec_cats)-1))
    if skc == 'Commercial':
        b += 30
    cat_to_color[skc] = (86, 254, b)
for i, skc in enumerate(other_cats):
    if collapse_other:
        cat_to_color[skc] = (86, 86, 254)
        z = 13
        r = z + i * ((254-z)/(len(other_cats)-1))
        cat_to_color[skc] = (r, 86, 254)
# Whoops, matplotlib wants channels in [0,1]
cat_to_color = {cat: map(lambda ch: ch/255, color_tup) for (cat, color_tup) in cat_to_color.items()}

def cat_avg_per_season(cat, norms=None):
    res = []
    # I know there are cleverer ways to do these things, but working with a small dataset,
    # I'm enjoying the simplicity of for loops over torturing myself reading inscrutable
    # pandas documentation.
    for i, season in enumerate(seasons.itertuples()):
        eps_this_season = (episodes['sid'] == season.sid).sum()
        if isinstance(cat, list) or isinstance(cat, set):
            cat_cond = titles['category'].isin(cat)
            cat_cond = titles['category'] == cat
        cats_this_season = (cat_cond & (titles['sid'] == season.sid)).sum()
        avg = cats_this_season / eps_this_season
        if norms:
            avg = avg / norms[i]            
    return res

# Whether to normalize all bars to sum to 1
normalize = 1
norms = None
if normalize:
    allcats = set(cat_to_color.keys())
    norms = cat_avg_per_season(allcats)
bar_width = .8
sids = seasons['sid'].values
In [44]:
FS = (15, 10)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=FS)
for cat, ax in zip(['Film', 'Commercial', ['Show', 'Game Show']], axes):
    ax.set_title('{} segments per season'.format(cat))
    if isinstance(cat, list):
        color = cat_to_color[cat[0]]
        color = cat_to_color[cat]
    y = cat_avg_per_season(cat, norms), y, bar_width, color=color)
    ax.set_xticks(range(1, sids[-1]+1))
In [45]:
FS = (15, 7)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
acc = np.zeros(len(sids))
#for cat in sketch_cats + rec_cats + other_cats:
for cat in rec_cats + sketch_cats + other_cats:
    color = cat_to_color[cat]
    y = cat_avg_per_season(cat, norms)
    label = cat
    if cat in other_cats and collapse_other:
        label = 'Other' if cat == 'Guest Performance' else None, y, bar_width, bottom=acc, color=color, label=label)
    acc += y
ax.set_xticks(range(1, sids[-1]+1));

Some trends:

  • The first 10 years have a lot more 'miscellaneous' stuff. Which makes sense - it took a while for SNL to become SNL. During the early years, they were trying a bunch of things that eventually dropped from the lineup like: guest stand-up comedy sets, Penn and Teller magic shows, bits where cast members would directly address the audience,
  • The boom in films in the last ten years or so is really obvious. (Andy Samberg joined the cast in season 31). The nadir at season 38 is interesting. That's the first season after Samberg left.
  • The most recent season is interesting for its anonamlously low number of commercials, and (Game|Award|) Show sketches. Maybe shows were so jammed with political sketches that pop culture stuff had to take a backseat.
    • I wonder if this is generally true of election years.

Most / Least valuable hosts¶

In [46]:
# TODO: Kinda slow (~20 s?)
def host_usage(aid, epid, metric):
    assert metric in usage_metrics
    tids = apps[
        (apps['epid']==epid) & (apps['aid']==aid)
    if metric == 'n_titles':
        return len(tids)
    host_titles = titles[titles['tid'].isin(tids)]
    return host_titles[metric].sum()

hosts_per_epid = hosts.groupby('epid').size()

usage = {mt: [] for mt in usage_metrics}
for host in hosts.itertuples():
    for metric in usage_metrics:
        dest = usage[metric]
        # Don't count shows with multiple hosts.
        if hosts_per_epid[host.epid] > 1:
        x = host_usage(host.aid, host.epid, metric)

df = hosts.copy()
for metric in usage_metrics:
    df[metric] = usage[metric]
In [47]:
df['n_titles'].plot.hist(title='Dist. of sketches appeared in by SNL hosts', figsize=(8,5));

Most used¶

In [48]:
# Hosts who appeared in the most sketches on their episode
df.sort_values(by='n_titles', ascending=False).head(10)
aid epid actor_name cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
213 g_2552 20100508 Betty White 0.274786 13.0 1.000000
819 g_48 19751213 Richard Pryor 0.256310 12.0 0.600000
101 c_TrMo 20090314 Tracy Morgan 0.161429 12.0 0.800000
235 c_MoSh 20070512 Molly Shannon 0.262121 12.0 0.923077
104 c_AnSa 20140517 Andy Samberg 0.167865 11.0 0.916667
378 g_1782 19991113 Garth Brooks 0.218162 11.0 0.846154
18 c_KrWi 20130511 Kristen Wiig 0.147042 11.0 0.909091
207 g_2387 20081018 Josh Brolin 0.193413 11.0 0.733333
412 g_1646 19980117 Sarah Michelle Gellar 0.164286 11.0 0.785714
152 g_2824 20130302 Kevin Hart 0.247950 11.0 0.916667

Wow, Betty White is a legend. She was in literally every single segment of the show except for Jay-Z's musical performances (she didn't want to upstage him I guess).

In [49]:
# Same as above, but normalized by number of sketches in the show
df.sort_values(by='episode_share', ascending=False).head(10)
aid epid actor_name cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
461 g_1451 19950513 David Duchovny 0.189550 9.0 1.000000
125 c_WiFe 20090516 Will Ferrell 0.299239 9.0 1.000000
213 g_2552 20100508 Betty White 0.274786 13.0 1.000000
235 c_MoSh 20070512 Molly Shannon 0.262121 12.0 0.923077
152 g_2824 20130302 Kevin Hart 0.247950 11.0 0.916667
104 c_AnSa 20140517 Andy Samberg 0.167865 11.0 0.916667
348 g_2039 20030315 Salma Hayek 0.253247 10.0 0.909091
18 c_KrWi 20130511 Kristen Wiig 0.147042 11.0 0.909091
73 c_SaSi 20141004 Sarah Silverman 0.222944 10.0 0.909091
122 g_2871 20131005 Miley Cyrus 0.166089 10.0 0.909091

Props to Mulder and Will Ferrell. Also 100% attendance, their shows just had fewer sketches.

5 of the top 10 are former cast members, which isn't that surprising. They know how SNL works, and they're good at it.

In [50]:
# Same as the above but additionally weight each sketch by the inverse of 
# the number of performers in it.
df.sort_values(by='cast_episode_share', ascending=False).head(10)
aid epid actor_name cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
469 g_1427 19950211 Bob Newhart 0.394841 9.0 0.900000
685 c_EdMu 19841215 Eddie Murphy 0.382784 10.0 0.769231
833 g_205 19770312 Sissy Spacek 0.333333 9.0 0.642857
801 g_129 19760731 Kris Kristofferson 0.326923 9.0 0.692308
724 g_619 19830122 Lily Tomlin 0.324074 9.0 0.600000
657 g_717 19840414 George McGovern 0.323593 8.0 0.727273
641 g_831 19860215 Jerry Hall 0.314815 8.0 0.888889
813 g_78 19760131 Dick Cavett 0.312500 6.0 0.375000
577 g_1053 19890520 Steve Martin 0.310256 8.0 0.615385
586 g_1028 19890128 Tony Danza 0.308275 8.0 0.615385

So, in some sense, Bob Newhart and Eddie Murphy personally 'owned' almost 40% of the shows they hosted, which is pretty impressive.

Rationale for this one is that carrying a sketch solo or with just one other performer is a lot of responsibility. A less adept host might get put in a lot of sketches, but with lots of cast members around them to do the heavy lifting.

Interesting that this metric diverges pretty significantly from the other two. I guess it's pretty volatile compared to the others. A sketch with 7 or 8 other performers (which is not that uncommon) is worth almost nothing under this metric compared to a solo sketch. Also of course fails to account for the size of roles. Your score might get dragged down just because of a few background roles with few or no lines.

Interesting that all these episodes are pre-y2k.

Least used¶

In [51]:
# Hosts who appeared in the fewest sketches
df.sort_values(by='n_titles', ascending=True).head(10)
aid epid actor_name cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
708 g_523 19811114 Bernadette Peters 0.081633 2.0 0.142857
761 g_316 19781021 Frank Zappa 0.043750 2.0 0.250000
694 g_655 19830514 Ed Koch 0.137500 3.0 0.300000
695 g_578 19820522 Olivia Newton-John 0.070707 3.0 0.272727
728 g_603 19821113 Robert Blake 0.062346 3.0 0.333333
824 g_10 19751018 Paul Simon 0.098958 3.0 0.375000
789 g_286 19780311 Art Garfunkel 0.083333 3.0 0.300000
785 g_298 19780415 Michael Sarrazin 0.104545 3.0 0.272727
557 g_1057 19890930 Bruce Willis 0.135606 4.0 0.363636
800 g_235 19770924 Steve Martin 0.146429 4.0 0.400000
In [52]:
# As above, but normalized by # sketches in show
df.sort_values(by='episode_share', ascending=True).head(30).reset_index(drop=True)
aid epid actor_name cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
0 g_523 19811114 Bernadette Peters 0.081633 2.0 0.142857
1 g_1 19751011 George Carlin 0.210526 4.0 0.210526
2 g_40 19751115 Robert Klein 0.161458 4.0 0.250000
3 g_316 19781021 Frank Zappa 0.043750 2.0 0.250000
4 g_514 19811031 Donald Pleasence 0.061111 4.0 0.250000
5 g_23 19751025 Rob Reiner 0.105903 4.0 0.250000
6 g_471 19810124 Robert Hays 0.091667 5.0 0.250000
7 g_476 19810207 Sally Kellerman 0.075000 4.0 0.250000
8 g_291 19780325 Christopher Lee 0.122222 5.0 0.266667
9 g_661 19831008 Brandon Tartikoff 0.166667 4.0 0.266667
10 g_504 19811010 Susan Saint James 0.116667 4.0 0.266667
11 g_298 19780415 Michael Sarrazin 0.104545 3.0 0.272727
12 g_578 19820522 Olivia Newton-John 0.070707 3.0 0.272727
13 g_587 19821002 Louis Gossett Jr. 0.052154 4.0 0.285714
14 g_468 19810117 Karen Black 0.122549 5.0 0.294118
15 g_86 19760221 Desi Arnaz 0.131373 5.0 0.294118
16 g_286 19780311 Art Garfunkel 0.083333 3.0 0.300000
17 g_655 19830514 Ed Koch 0.137500 3.0 0.300000
18 g_89 19760228 Jill Clayburgh 0.114583 5.0 0.312500
19 g_555 19820320 Robert Urich 0.080208 5.0 0.312500
20 g_176 19761127 Jodie Foster 0.127083 5.0 0.312500
21 g_270 19771217 Miskel Spillman 0.084722 4.0 0.333333
22 g_671 19831105 Betty Thomas 0.130000 5.0 0.333333
23 g_640 19830312 Bruce Dern 0.155556 5.0 0.333333
24 g_781 19850216 Pamela Sue Martin 0.141667 4.0 0.333333
25 g_451 19801206 Ellen Burstyn 0.166667 5.0 0.333333
26 g_603 19821113 Robert Blake 0.062346 3.0 0.333333
27 g_519 19811107 Lauren Hutton 0.098889 5.0 0.333333
28 g_1651 19980214 Roma Downey 0.064153 5.0 0.333333
29 g_207 19770319 Broderick Crawford 0.192593 4.0 0.333333
In [53]:
#df.sort_values(by='cast_episode_share', ascending=True).head(10)
"""Shelley Duvall is an interesting example. She was in 60% of sketches, but her 'cast_episode_share' is low because so many of them had huge numbers of performers. Like, look at all the people in this sketch:
While I think it's true that a weak performer will probably never get a segment to themselves, or a duo sketch, I don't think the penalty should necessarily be linear with number of performers. You can hide a bad host in a sketch with 5 cast members just as easily as you can in one with 10.
(Another interesting feature of the Duvall episode is that there's seemingly no monologue?)""";

Some general comments on least-used hosts (over all metrics):

  • A fair number of non-actors (Zappa, Olivia Newton-John, Ed Koch, Brandon Tartikoff - an NBC exec). Surprisingly, no sports figures jump out (though I don't know how many I'd recognize).
  • Zappa was a legendarily bad host (and I think banned from the show after), so it's not surprising to see him near the top on all metrics. I think I heard that Robert Blake was also thought poorly of.
  • I wonder how many of these people were invited back?
  • Of the bottom 30, the most recent episode is when Roma Downey hosted in 1998 (#28 on the list). All others are from the 70's or the 80's. Suggests maybe that over the last couple decades, the show has been more forgiving of weak hosts, and made more of an effort to carry them through the show?
    • Or, alternatively, there's just been an overall increase in the prominence of the host over time. Supported by the fact that the episodes with the 10 most active hosts are almost all post-y2k.

Gender stuff¶

In [54]:
def g_lookup(aid):
        return actors.loc[aid, 'gender']
    except KeyError:
        return None
impressions['actor_gender'] = impressions['aid'].apply(g_lookup)
impressions['gender'] = impressions['name'].apply(lambda n: genderize(n, confident=True))
imps['queen'] = (imps['gender']=='female') & (imps['actor_gender']=='male')
imps['king'] = (imps['gender']=='male') & (imps['actor_gender']=='female')
In [55]:
queens = imps[imps['queen']]
kings = imps[imps['king']]
print "Found {} drag performances by male actors, and {} by female actors".format(
    len(queens), len(kings)
Found 133 drag performances by male actors, and 40 by female actors
aid impid name actor_name actor_gender gender queen king
692 c_PhHa 692 Barbara Bush Phil Hartman male female True False
1028 c_PhHa 1028 Dame Edna Phil Hartman male female True False
911 c_ChRo 911 Whoopi Goldberg Chris Rock male female True False
2874 c_BoMo 2874 Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi Bobby Moynihan male female True False
3137 c_BoMo 3137 Rosie O'Donnell Bobby Moynihan male female True False
In [56]:
unk = actors[actors['gender']=='unknown']
mm = actors[actors['gender']=='mostly_male']
mf = actors[actors['gender']=='mostly_female']
In [57]:
def add_titles_gender_ratio():
    title_to_gendercounts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    # Don't double-count actors appearing in multiple roles in one sketch
    tids_aids = apps.drop_duplicates(subset=['tid', 'aid'])
    for app in tids_aids.itertuples():
        # XXX: hack. Remove me afrer rerunning (fixed above in 2.1)
        if app.aid in {'c_PhHA', 'c_KeTH', 'c_TaKI', 'c_BiHA', 'c_JiFA', 'c_ChCH',}:
            gender = 'male'
            gender = actors.loc[app.aid, 'gender']
        title_to_gendercounts[app.tid][gender] += 1
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(title_to_gendercounts, orient='index')
    df['female'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    df['male'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
    titles['n_female'] = df['female']
    titles['n_male'] = df['male']
    titles['female_ratio'] = titles['n_female'] / (titles['n_female'] + titles['n_male'])
category epid name order skid tid sid episode_share n_performers cast_episode_share n_female n_male female_ratio
1992051616 Goodnights 19920516 None 15 NaN 1992051616 17 0.000000 0 0.000000 NaN NaN NaN
1992051615 Sketch 19920516 Bad Expectant Mother 14 NaN 1992051615 17 0.083333 4 0.020833 1.0 3.0 0.25
In [58]:
# TODO: Maybe don't include voice roles? Don Pardo/Steve Higgins as announcer could 
# really skew numbers.
# OTOH, those guys actually seem to account for a surprisingly small minority of 'announcer'
# roles. They usually go to cast members. 
# There's also the question of whether such roles should count toward our accounting of
# male/female representation on the show (if everyone on screen in a sketch is male but 
# a woman does the voiceover, do we want to call it a mixed gender sketch rather than all-male?)

weekend_update_categories = {'Weekend Update', 'Saturday Night News', 'SNL Newsbreak'}
live_sketch_categories = {'Sketch', 'Musical Sketch', 'Show', 'Game Show', 'Award Show'}
recorded_sketch_categories = {'Film', 'Commercial'}
# (See note in re Miscellaneous category)
misc_performer_categories = {'Cold Opening', 'Monologue', 'Miscellaneous'}
# These are the categories of titles that count when computing airtime statistics. 
# Main omissions are Goodnights and Musical Performance. Also some rarer categories
# like Guest Performance, In Memoriam, Talent Entrance, etc.
performer_title_categories = set.union(
    misc_performer_categories, weekend_update_categories, live_sketch_categories, recorded_sketch_categories
# I'm not going to include weekend update. Because the anchors are fixed during a season (or more),
# I think it'll have a disproportionately large impact on a season's makeup.
# But idk, worth experimenting with.
gender_ratio_categories = set.union(live_sketch_categories, recorded_sketch_categories, misc_performer_categories)
# Also, don't include Monologues by default. The fact that they always include the host restricts whether
# it's possible to be all-male or all-female. And unlike all the other categories we're using, Monologues
# aren't very 'sketch-like' most of the time.
gender_ratio_categories -= {'Monologue'}
M_COLOR = 'dodgerblue'
F_COLOR = 'magenta'
MIXED_COLOR = 'blanchedalmond'
def plot_gender_ratio(ax=None, normalized=True, monologues=False, min_performers=2):
    """Plot proportion of sketches per season which are all-male vs. all-female vs. mixed
    # I'm not going to include weekend update. Because the anchors are fixed during a season (or more),
    # I think it'll have a disproportionately large impact on a season's makeup.
    # But idk, worth experimenting with.
    cats = gender_ratio_categories
    if monologues:
        cats = cats.union({'Monologue'})
    # Also worth playing around with limit on # performers.
    title_idx = (titles['category'].isin(cats)) & (titles['n_performers'] >= min_performers)
    all_m = []
    m_idx = title_idx & (titles['female_ratio']==0)
    all_f = []
    f_idx = title_idx & (titles['female_ratio']==1)
    mixed = []
    ratios = np.zeros((len(seasons), 3))
    mixed_idx = title_idx & (titles['female_ratio']>0) & (titles['female_ratio']<1)
    for i, sid in enumerate(seasons.index):
        sidx = titles['sid'] == sid
        row = [(sidx & gender_idx).sum() for gender_idx in [f_idx, mixed_idx, m_idx]]
        if normalized:
            denom = (sidx & title_idx).sum()
            row = [x / denom for x in row]
        ratios[i] = row
    FS = (15, 9)
    if ax is None:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    ax.stackplot(seasons.index, ratios.T, labels=['all female', 'mixed', 'all male'],
                 colors=[F_COLOR, MIXED_COLOR, M_COLOR]
    ax.set_xlim(left=1, right=seasons.index.max())
    if normalized:
    return ax, ratios
def plot_cast_gender(ax=None, include_featured=True, fractional=True):
    fm = []
    df = casts.merge(actors, on='aid')
    for sid in seasons.index:
        idx = (df['sid'] == sid)
        if not include_featured:
            idx = idx & ~df['featured']
        if fractional:
            m = df.loc[
                idx & (df['gender']=='male'),
            f = df.loc[
                idx & (df['gender']=='female'),
            #acts = cast_of_season(sid, include_featured)
            acts = df[idx]
            m = (acts['gender'] == 'male').sum()
            f = (acts['gender'] == 'female').sum()
            if (m+f) != len(acts):
                print "Season {} has m = {}, f = {}, cast size = {}".format(sid, m, f, len(acts))
        fm.append([f, m])
    if ax is None:
        FS = (15, 5)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    fm = np.array(fm)
    x = seasons.index
    bar = 0
    if bar:
        bar_width = .4, fm[:,1], bar_width, label='male'), fm[:,0], bar_width, label='female')
        ax.plot(x, fm[:,1], label='male', color=M_COLOR)
        ax.plot(x, fm[:,0], label='female', color=F_COLOR)
    #ax.stackplot(x, y, labels=['female', 'male'])
    ax.set_title('Cast gender composition')
    ax.set_xticks(seasons.index, minor=True)
    yrange = range(14)
    ax.set_ylabel('# Cast members')
    return ax
In [ ]:

Cast gender composition per season¶

In [59]:
FS = (15, 10)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, figsize=FS)
plot_cast_gender(ax2, include_featured=False)
ax2.set_title('Cast gender composition (repertory players only)');
# Note: "# cast members" can actually be non-integral to account for cast members who
# were around for only part of a season. e.g. Ben Stiller was only in the last 6 out of 20 episodes
# of season 14, so he's about 1/3 of a dude in that season for accounting purposes.
  • There seems to be a clear 'glass floor' for female cast members, and it's at exactly n=3. No season has had fewer than 3 female cast members, but many have had exactly 3. (On the other hand, no season has had less than 5 male cast members, and that minimum was reached in only a small number of seasons)
  • No season has ever had at least as many female cast members as male. Seasons 5, 39, and 40 had equal (or nearly equal) numbers across repertory players, but had more male featured players than female.
  • Seasons 18 and 35 had only one female repertory player each (Julia Sweeney and Kristen Wiig, resp.)
  • There seems to be a progressive trend over the last ~10 seasons. s42 has more female cast members than any other season and the highest f:m ratio (though it will go down a bit in 43 - the cast shakeup will be a net -1 female cast member and +1 male).

Gender composition of sketches¶

In [60]:
# Note: This does not include host Monologues or Weekend Update, since they're pretty constrained
# in terms of cast. It just counts 'sketches' (including commercials, digital shorts, etc.)
# Also, does not include solo performances.

ax, dat = plot_gender_ratio(monologues=False)
ax.set_title('Gender composition of SNL sketches over time');

This is interesting! Some observations:

  • Overall, all-male sketches vastly outnumber all-female ones. There isn't a single season with more female sketches than male. (The closest is season 40, with 6% vs. 7%).
    • It would be interesting to see if this effect is greater than what would be expected after controlling for gender ratio of cast/hosts. (Doing this in a principled way seems kind of tricky. Probably need to describe some probability distribution from which we assume sketch casts are drawn)
  • Surprisingly seasons 1 and 2 have the highest proportions of all-female sketches.
    • In effect, these seasons' casts were actually about the closest the show has ever come to gender equality. (The previous plots don't currently make this clear, because seasons 1 and 2 both had male cast members who were only present for small slices of the season. (e.g. George Coe was only credited in a single episode in s1, and Michael O'Donoghue only had 4 eps.)) For both seasons, there were essentially 3 women and 4 men present throughout the season.
    • Given that, it's kind of galling that 22% of sketches were all-male, vs. 7% all-female. (But again, should verify that intuition by seeing what the numbers would look like if we just simulate populating a bunch of sketches by selecting cast members uniformly at random).
  • The number of all-female sketches has vaguely increased over the last couple decades, but it's a pretty weak trend. What's far more striking in its strength and consistency is the decrease in male-dominated sketches. Suggestive not just of more female representation on the show, but less segregation?
    • (But again, to strengthen this claim, would want to see if it holds up after controlling for changes in the cast composition, and especially any changes in the distribution of number of players per sketch over time.)
In [61]:
if 0:
    perfs_range = range(1, 7)
    FS = (14, 5 * len(perfs_range))
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(perfs_range), figsize=FS)
    for min_perfs, ax in zip(perfs_range, axes):
        plot_gender_ratio(ax, monologues=False, min_performers=min_perfs)
        title = 'Gender composition of sketches (min performers = {})'.format(min_perfs)
In [62]:
def sample_monogender_sketches(gender, n=10, sid_range=None, min_performers=2):
    assert gender in ('male', 'female')
    cats = gender_ratio_categories
    cols = ['category', 'name', 'epid', 'n_performers', 'n_female', 'n_male']
    target_ratio = 0 if gender == 'male' else 1
    title_idx = (
        & (titles['n_performers'] >= min_performers)
        & (titles['female_ratio'] == target_ratio)
    if sid_range:
        title_idx &= (titles['sid'] >= sid_range[0]) & (titles['sid'] <= sid_range[1])
    return titles.loc[title_idx, cols].sample(n, random_state=1337)

Example all-female/all-male sketches¶

In [63]:
sample_monogender_sketches('female', 20)
category name epid n_performers n_female n_male
1993041712 Sketch Carriage Ride 19930417 2 2.0 0.0
2012040711 Commercial Lil Poundcake 20120407 3 3.0 0.0
200412183 Commercial Woomba 20041218 4 4.0 0.0
198012134 Sketch The Attack Of The Terrible Snapping Creatures 19801213 2 2.0 0.0
201605073 Commercial President Barbie 20160507 2 2.0 0.0
2014051011 Commercial Whiskers R' We 20140510 3 3.0 0.0
1977031211 Commercial Gidget Goes To Shock Therapy 19770312 4 4.0 0.0
1982112018 Miscellaneous Single 19821120 2 2.0 0.0
1991051114 Sketch Shouting Mothers 19910511 3 2.0 0.0
197803185 Sketch Sybil III 19780318 9 9.0 0.0
198311121 Cold Opening Cheerleaders 19831112 4 4.0 0.0
201004243 Show The Suze Orman Show 20100424 2 1.0 0.0
2014122013 Commercial Whiskers R' We 20141220 3 3.0 0.0
201705138 Show Film Society of Lincoln Center 20170513 5 5.0 0.0
198301227 Sketch Edith Ann & Friends 19830122 2 2.0 0.0
1983110517 Sketch Misfits 19831105 4 4.0 0.0
2004022112 Commercial Huggies Thong 20040221 2 2.0 0.0
2015101012 Sketch Baby Shower 20151010 6 6.0 0.0
201301194 Show Girlfriends Talk Show 20130119 3 3.0 0.0
197607249 Sketch Girl Talk 19760724 2 2.0 0.0
In [64]:
sample_monogender_sketches('male', 20)
category name epid n_performers n_female n_male
1991032314 Commercial Buzz Pen 19910323 4 0.0 3.0
201605216 Film Farewell, Mr. Bunting 20160521 7 0.0 7.0
200601143 Commercial Taco Town 20060114 4 0.0 4.0
200211021 Cold Opening Endorsement Ads 20021102 4 0.0 4.0
200211161 Cold Opening The Chanukah Song 20021116 2 0.0 2.0
199502111 Cold Opening Colin Ferguson Trial 19950211 8 0.0 8.0
201311163 Commercial Paxil: Second Term Strength 20131116 4 0.0 4.0
198304093 Show The David Susskind Show 19830409 5 0.0 5.0
200210121 Cold Opening Presidential Address 20021012 2 0.0 2.0
200004156 Show Inside the Actors Studio 20000415 2 0.0 1.0
1998121211 Sketch Impeachment Hearings 19981212 7 0.0 7.0
198905134 Show Fishing with The Anal Retentive Sportsman 19890513 3 0.0 3.0
2001051913 Miscellaneous Memorial Day Greetings 20010519 4 0.0 4.0
198603225 Miscellaneous Camera Control 19860322 3 0.0 3.0
1983031910 Commercial Oil Is Us 19830319 4 0.0 4.0
1991121419 Miscellaneous Season's Greetings 19911214 3 0.0 3.0
199001135 Show Wayne's World 19900113 3 0.0 3.0
1992032111 Commercial Monster Spray 19920321 3 0.0 3.0
1984110313 Sketch Rabbi 19841103 2 0.0 2.0
1994010812 Commercial The Herlihy Boy Dog Sitting Service 19940108 4 0.0 4.0

All-female sketches seem to be more explicitly about gender or 'girl stuff' (about half of the 20 above fit that description).

All-male sketches seem to be more wide ranging. Of the random 20 sampled above, there are only 2 or 3 that are about intrinsically or stereotypically male topics. ('Sigma', 'The Cardinals', and 'Father And Son').

(Er, the sampled sketches have changed since I wrote the above, but the broad strokes remain true.)

Drag performances¶

In [65]:
def plot_drag_over_time(ax=None):
    df = imps.merge(apps, on='impid')
    qpy = df.groupby('sid')['queen'].sum()
    kpy = df.groupby('sid')['king'].sum()
    if ax is None:
        FS = (15, 7)
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    bar_width = .4, qpy.values, bar_width, label='queens'), kpy.values, bar_width, label='kings')
    return ax

ax = plot_drag_over_time()
ax.set_title('Drag performances per season');

Men performing in drag has definitely gone in and out of vogue on SNL. Most of it happened in the 90's and 00's, with a pretty big peak around the mid-90's. (Which might charitably be described as its most 'frattish' period. Janeane Garofalo, who was a cast member in '95, has been outspoken about how misogynistic she found the culture and humor at the time. The Nora Dunn/Andrew Dice Clay scandal also happened earlier that decade.)

Something really remarkable happened starting in season 39. Performances by male actors in drag vanished entirely, and women in male parts skyrocketed. There are two significant factors about the timing of this:

  • s39 is around the time when the controversy about SNL having no black female cast members really took off. Around this time, Kenan Thompson vowed not to play any more black women on the show, as a sort of show of solidarity.
  • s39 was Kate McKinnon's second season and first as a repertory player. She is (at least statistically) the most gifted impressionist in the modern era of SNL, and she's shown that that virtuosity extends to impersonating men, such as Justin Bieber or Jeff Sessions. I suspect most or even all of those orange bars are Kate.

Incidentally, there's a great passage from Tina Fey's book that's relevant to this topic:

The only other thing I remember about the Sylvester Stallone show was that they did a Rocky-themed monologue and they needed someone to play Rocky's wife, Adrian. Cheri really wanted the part – she was little, she was from Philly, she could do a good imitation of Talia Shire – but instead, somebody thought it would be funnier to put her co-star Chris Kattan in a dress. I remember thinking that was kind of bullshit.

[...] But I tell this specific tale of Cheri being passed over for Kattan-in-drag because it illustrates how things were the first week I was there. By the time I left nine years later, that would never have happened. The women in the cast took over the show in that decade, and I had the pleasure of being there to witness it.

In [66]:
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
def plot_top_drag_performers(royal_col, n=10):
    df = imps.merge(apps, on='impid')
    drag_per_actor = df.groupby('actor_name_x')[royal_col].sum().sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[:n]\
    FS = (10, 7)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    nbars = min(n, len(drag_per_actor))
    y = range(nbars)
    ax.barh(y, drag_per_actor.values[:n])
    ax.set_xticks(range(0, int(drag_per_actor.max()), 2))
    return ax

Top drag performers (female)¶

In [67]:
# (There are 8 female cast members who have performed in drag more than once.
# Another 10 or so have done it exactly once, plus a couple hosts)
plot_top_drag_performers('king', n=8);

As expected, Kate McKinnon rules the roost. Her dominance is especially impressive given that she presumably has a few years left of her SNL career (she's done 5 seasons - Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph each did 8).

We can also see that the peak that came before her corresponds to the Fey era of early-mid-ish 2000's with performers like Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, and Rachel Dratch.

Amusingly, Melissa McCarthy places 4th on her Sean Spicer alone.

Top drag performers (male)¶

In [68]:
plot_top_drag_performers('queen', n=14);

Some notes:

  • One can't help but feel that the top 2 drag performers being black men is a reflection of the dearth of black female performers on SNL. For much of Kenan and Tracy Morgan's tenures, there were no black women on the cast (Maya Rudolph joined toward the end of Tracy's run, and left near the beginning of Kenan's).
  • Terry Sweeney is an interesting example as well. He did 8 impressions on the show, and 7 of them were women. Some important context: he was the only gay man to to ever be on SNL, and at a time when it wasn't easy to be gay and on TV. He's said that he had a hard time getting straight roles ("I think the writers came to think of me was just 'the gay guy'. They'd go like 'Oh, well, he's a hilarious gay guy, so if we want a gay guy, we'll just put him in this sketch where the guy can be really effeminate.'"). Perhaps he discovered that performing in drag was another means for him to get written into sketches.
  • There are a few interesting absences. Darrell Hammond, Taran Killam, and Bill Hader, the performers with the 2nd, 4th, and 5th most impressions done on the show, don't make the list. Taran Killam impersonated 95 different people and none of them were women.
  • Another host makes the list: John Goodman. He did one sketch as Anna Nicole Smith, but the rest are from when he impersonated Linda Tripp - he was sort of the Melissa McCarthy of the 90's, I guess.
In [69]:
if 0:
    tm = imps['actor_name']=='Tracy Morgan'
    print "Tracy morgan did {} impressions, {} female".format(tm.sum(), (tm & (imps['queen'])).sum())
if 0:
    ts = imps['actor_name']=='Terry Sweeney'
if 0:
    x = {'Darrell Hammond', 'Taran Killam', 'Bill Hader'}
        imps['actor_name'].isin(x) & imps['queen']

Emerging themes¶

Some threads that seem like they might be worth tugging on more...

SNL and the rise of political spectacle.¶

Last season gave SNL its biggest ratings in decades because the election and early stages of Trump's presidency gave them tons of material, and they spun it into gold and pulled off a lot of successful impressions.

I think in the data on season 42 there's some compelling evidence for what a singularly political season it was.

But the data also suggests that this is, to some degree, a continuation of an ongoing trend toward more political content. Among Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush, none of them was impersonated as many times as any president that came after (Clinton, GWB, Obama, and yes, even Trump).

Cast member ecological niches¶

The data often makes it clear who's really good at doing impressions and who can't do them at all. Or who's getting written into a lot of sketches but never in starring roles.

Not yet explored but could be interesting:

  • The end of the show is usually reserved for more experimental or risky material. Which actors rule the 'ten-to-one' slot?
  • Career arcs. What does the trajectory of a typical SNL career look like in terms of their presence on the show over time? Which featured players have had the most meteoric starts, and which ones had a slow burn?

Representations of women on SNL¶

I already wrote a lot about this above, but, as much as it's sort of a trite/expected topic, I do think the data offers a lot to unpack on this topic.

Works in progress / graveyard¶

Explorations that are still in a messy stage / never went anywhere.

Top Recurring Sketches¶

In [71]:
rec = titles[pd.notnull(titles['skid'])]
skid_counts = rec.groupby('skid').size().to_frame(name='count').reset_index(level=0)
skid_counts = pd.merge(skid_counts, sketches, on='skid')
skid_counts.sort_values(by='count', ascending=False, inplace=True)
# Well this is kind of a mess!
skid count name
224 230 105 SNL Digital Short
4 5 40 A Film by Gary Weis
132 135 31 Fun With Real Audio
17 18 29 Schiller's Reel
231 237 26 MacGruber
8 9 22 The Mr. Bill Show
183 188 20 Hardball
79 80 19 Wayne's World
66 67 19 Church Chat
98 100 18 Daily Affirmation
60 61 17 The Pat Stevens Show
97 99 15 Coffee Talk
122 124 15 Spade in America
73 74 15 Pumping Up With Hans & Franz
134 137 15 The Delicious Dish
70 71 15 Nightline
149 154 13 The Ladies' Man
106 108 13 Larry King Live
138 141 13 Jeopardy!
130 133 12 The Ambiguously Gay Duo

Cast airtime (pt 2 - arcs)¶

In [72]:
def airtime_over_time(aid, metric='episode_share'):
    c = casts[casts['aid']==aid]
    x =  c['sid'].values
    y = [airtime_one_season(yr, metric) for yr in c.itertuples()]
    return x, y

def plot_airtime_over_time(aids, metric='episode_share'):
    """Given some actor ids, make a plot, where x axis is seasons and y axis is avg.
    airtime (according to given metric). One line drawn per actor.
    FS = (11, 5)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=FS)
    for aid in aids:
        x, y = airtime_over_time(aid, metric)
        ax.plot(x, y, label=actors.loc[aid, 'name'])
    return ax
In [73]:
ax = plot_airtime_over_time(['c_TaKi', 'c_KaMc', 'c_CeSt', 'c_BoMo', 'c_VaBa']);
In [74]:
# Women who started around 2000-2001-ish
y2k = ['Tina Fey', 'Rachel Dratch', 'Maya Rudolph', 'Amy Poehler']
yaids = actors.loc[actors['name'].isin(y2k), 'aid']
ax = plot_airtime_over_time(yaids);
In [75]:
ats = season_airtimes(39)
aid featured first_epid last_epid sid update_anchor actor_name n_episodes season_fraction cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
2 c_SaZa True 20140118.0 NaN 39 False Sasheer Zamata 11 0.52381 0.380337 28 2.490909
17 c_BrWh True NaN NaN 39 False Brooks Wheelan 21 1.00000 0.595506 49 4.369814
18 c_NoWe True NaN NaN 39 False Noël Wells 21 1.00000 0.644642 59 5.236674
36 c_KeTh False NaN NaN 39 False Kenan Thompson 21 1.00000 1.514017 99 8.709829
55 c_CeSt False NaN NaN 39 True Cecily Strong 21 1.00000 1.330864 89 7.955167
In [76]:
ats.sort_values(by='n_titles', ascending=False)
aid featured first_epid last_epid sid update_anchor actor_name n_episodes season_fraction cast_episode_share n_titles episode_share
306 c_TaKi False NaN NaN 39 False Taran Killam 21 1.000000 1.450756 102 9.077001
36 c_KeTh False NaN NaN 39 False Kenan Thompson 21 1.000000 1.514017 99 8.709829
275 c_KaMc False NaN NaN 39 False Kate McKinnon 21 1.000000 1.276234 93 8.315423
55 c_CeSt False NaN NaN 39 True Cecily Strong 21 1.000000 1.330864 89 7.955167
215 c_BoMo False NaN NaN 39 False Bobby Moynihan 21 1.000000 1.185518 82 7.211538
525 c_VaBa False NaN NaN 39 False Vanessa Bayer 21 1.000000 1.239619 80 7.079915
497 c_AiBr False NaN NaN 39 False Aidy Bryant 21 1.000000 1.114460 79 6.948951
512 c_BeBe True NaN NaN 39 False Beck Bennett 21 1.000000 1.063556 70 6.128205
156 c_JaPh False NaN NaN 39 False Jay Pharoah 21 1.000000 0.981868 69 6.098757
18 c_NoWe True NaN NaN 39 False Noël Wells 21 1.000000 0.644642 59 5.236674
231 c_KyMo True NaN NaN 39 False Kyle Mooney 21 1.000000 0.909158 57 5.030614
163 c_NaPe False NaN NaN 39 False Nasim Pedrad 21 1.000000 0.673396 55 4.869153
17 c_BrWh True NaN NaN 39 False Brooks Wheelan 21 1.000000 0.595506 49 4.369814
178 c_MPOB True NaN NaN 39 False Mike O'Brien 21 1.000000 0.637479 43 3.816628
248 c_JoMi True NaN NaN 39 False John Milhiser 21 1.000000 0.420765 39 3.430264
2 c_SaZa True 20140118.0 NaN 39 False Sasheer Zamata 11 0.523810 0.380337 28 2.490909
261 c_SeMe False NaN 20140201.0 39 True Seth Meyers 13 0.619048 0.203525 13 1.159246
322 c_CoJo True 20140301.0 NaN 39 True Colin Jost 8 0.380952 0.132247 8 0.715152

TODO: #s for Sasheer and Nasim seem pretty low. Are we denominating correctly for incomplete seasons? Actually, looks like Nasim was there for the whole season. How can she have been in fewer sketches than Kyle Mooney?

An average episode has around 15 segments. After subtracting goodnights and musical performances, that leaves around 12 for cast members to star in. So you only need an 'episode share' of a little under .1 to appear on average once a week.

Solo performances¶

In [92]:
sts = titles[
    & ~(titles['category'].isin({'Monologue', 'Weekend Update'}))
    & (titles['sid'] >= 25)
solo_apps = sts.merge(apps, on='tid')
solos_per_actor = solo_apps.groupby('actor_name').size()
Darrell Hammond    13
Will Ferrell        9
Andy Samberg        8
Chris Parnell       8
Jason Sudeikis      8
Bill Hader          6
Taran Killam        6
Fred Armisen        6
Kristen Wiig        5
Amy Poehler         4
Kyle Mooney         3
Ana Gasteyer        3
Horatio Sanz        3
Kate McKinnon       3
Ashton Kutcher      2
dtype: int64
In [ ]: